Friday, May 12, 2006

You can get STD pare!

oh yeah pare! summer time na naman pare. everybody is like going to the beach or resorts pare for some skinny-dipping pare. like people you dont even know pare, is on the water pare. something tells me you can get hawa of their diseases pare. let's face it pare, not everyone looks healthy as they look pare even if they're on their bikinis pare. if you're in a beach pare, its like you share the same kikay kit with strangers pare. like you use the same toilet bowl pare. you're like making tagay with one shot glass pare with hundreds of tao you don't even know pare. maybe its just me, but just making isip of it pare, kinda freaks me out pare. get this pare, where do you think seamen disposes their jebs pare? eewwww pare, eewwww.

well anyway pare, that's not the whole point of my entry for today. so you can scrap that thought pare.

last month pare, we went to this beach up north pare. our initial plan was just to borrow a surf board pare and take pictures pare and after that go straight home pare. lima lang kami pare, at first pare, we're kinda hesitant to go there pare. its so mainit pare, and i dont want my skin to get sunburned pare. but since we just got from a wedding pare (we got commissioned kasi pare for the wedding coverage pare, excuse my shameless plug pare, but if any of you pare wants any of your special occassion taped at photographed pare, contact me pare or just leave a comment pare.), we said "fuck it pare, lets have some fun naman pare". so we did pare. the first thing we did pare is to look for a vacant cottage pare. and we got one pare. we didn't plan to swim pare, but since we're already there pare, why not swim di ba pare? sayang naman pare.

but before we geared down pare, we walked and took pictures pare sa beach pare, looking for a surf board na we can rent and food we can eat pare. while naglalakad pare, we saw this sign pare,

it is a catch-y name for a kainan pare. but somehow got me thinking if we really could get STD in that kainan pare. he he. anyway we continued looking where we could rent a board pare. we went back to the cottage pare and chipped-in so we can buy food na pare. we bought food and ate at the cottage by the beach pare. after eating pare, only two of us decided to go and take a swim pare. the wave was cool pare, you can really surf there pare. unluckily pare, we weren't able to rent able a surfboard pare, the owner wasn't there pare. so instead we used our body as a surf board pare, lemme show you how we did it pare.

there you go pare, convinced? he he he. pero honestly pare, it really was like we were surfing pare, dinadala kami ng waves pare. its so cool pare. hang ten pare!

PS: i just realized pare, kung sa beach na yun pare you can find STD pare, in my blog you can get FMD pare. and if you basa my blog name as fast as you can it kinda sound like foot and mouth disease pare. he he he

PPS: thanks nga pala pare to my fans from the land of the rising sun pare and to Kim L. the president of OCSFSC-Anino Entertaiment Chapter salamat po sa pagbabasa.


corn said...
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igdeguzman said...

dude pare tol salamat sa pag link parin psensya na at ngyon ko lang navisit bagogn blog mo.

apir[ayan nakikihawa nko sayo whehe]

aion ayus std whehek

Rain said...

Asteeg pare...

Anonymous said...

yo pare asteeg pare!!! kelan kaya ako makakasama sa mga escapades nyo pare?! ok ung STD pare... sama ko kung punta ulit kayo dun pare ha pare....

corn said...

aygee, thats okay pare, im glad you came and nakibasa pare. you're like conio narin pare. thast great pare. apir pare!

rain, pare! thanks for reading pare.

kim, yeah pare, u can come with us pare. but it wont be anytime soon. we'll let you know na lang pare kung when ulit punta there pare.