Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pitchin a concept for TV show Pare

i have this idea for a tv show pare. you know like the one's na nakikita natin pare on MTV pare? PUNK'D, Pimp my Ride and Cribs ring any bell-bell pare? but this time pare, its a combination ng tatlo pare and a bit of Big Brother pare. mukhang interesting right pare? okay here's the big idea pare:

we search for a bahay whose owners are willing and wanting their bahay to be featured pare on a national television or movies pare, little did they know pare we're gonna make sira their house pare. at para makuha namin ang matamis nilang "oo" pare, we're gonna make up a story, that its gonna be featured in a movie/sitcom pare which will be shot entirely at their house for a whole month pare. after we got ourselves a bahay pare, the search for a group of friends will be picked pare, and the chosen group will stay at the house for a month pare. No katulong pare. just like the Big Brother pare, everything will be taped and shown to the madla pare by hundreds of hidden camera installed sa lahat ng kanto ng bahay pare. the catch pare is, anything goes and can happen pare. everything is allowed pare.

okay just to give you a visual understanding of my concept pare, here are some sample photos pare on what could happen sa bahay pare. i took them for purpose of this pitch pare. its like nine o'clock in the morning pare.

Sample Episode: What's In A Production House Pare.

this is the house pare. its a house in a subdivision pare converted into an office pare. its a beautiful on the outside pare, pero wait till you see the inside pare. you might me surprised pare.

this is me welcoming you to enter our lovely house-turned-office-turned-tambayan-turned-bar-turned-party-place pare.

this is what you'll see just after you make bukas the front door pare.

then papakita ko sainyo pare the rest of the whole production space pare. and this is what you'll see pare;

an officemate playing with anything his hands can hold on to pare, this time a lipstick pare. then...

...he was joined by isa pang officemate pare and we took pictures of them pare. you should see them when they're all like lasing pare. an officemate would have his whole katawan and face pare, marked with a black marker pare. okay lets proceed to the kainan pare.

that's one hell of a messy dining room pare. dishes from last night was left unwashed pare. now lets proceed upstairs pare.

first thing to show you pare is the The Lounge pare. where all our inuman session happens here pare.
i swear those light spelled the word "lounge" pare. ngayon it spelled "love" pare.

not lets proceed and have a look at our rooms where we make ligo and the rooms where we make jebs pare. the jacuzi is off limits pare. maybe 'coz it doesnt work pare.

next stop, our walk in closet pare.

okay this is our walk in closet pare na ngayon ay para ng ukayan pare.

now lets go to my bedroom pare. its downstairs pare. here it is,

okay thats my bedspace pare. the middle pare. that's where i sleep pare. if we only had a tent we could be doing a scene from brokeback mountain pare. but a menage a trois pare. haha. i used to sleep under my workstation pare. but there's not much space for me pare just like this guy pare;

okay let's go outside pare. here's an ashtray and a planter-turned-ashtray pare.

and here are the collection of bikes pare. none of them is mine pare.

then i tell you to get out of here pare! make you pahabol to this aso pare;

he could be one lazy-ass dog, but he sure is fierce pare.

the end.

okay thats about it pare. thatwas my whole pitch pare. its not much as of now pare, but you'll get the idea pare. i'm open for suggestions pare. share it with me pare. any wacky idea is great pare.


Anonymous said...

one of the crazy, smartest an most reliable people i know....

has turned into a complete sicko degenerate....


Anonymous said...

one of the crazy, smartest and most reliable people i know....

has turned into a complete sicko degenerate....