Saturday, July 14, 2007

Memoirs of my Poop

how deep can you swim into your childhood memories pare, that you could remember what you ate then?

well as for me, it's not that hard to swim into mine. i got a pretty shallow streams of my childhood.

i remember during my grade school years that we have cows in our farm. during the weekends we'd go to the farm and feed the cows. we brought molasses, we got like a dozen barrels of 'em. and when it's time to feed cows, i go see how they eat, but before they got the taste of the molasses, i dip a finger or two from the barrel and lick it. its sweet, very sweet. and i did it every time we visit the farm. we also feed them with these huge cubed salts in our hands. same with feeding them with molasses, i get to lick first before they could. i know its kinda disgusting, but it was fun, knowing how their food tastes.

for the record, i never got the chance to eat the grass-like plant that we feed them. that was a bummer. sayang. hehe

i also remember, we had a corn plantation in that same farm. i learned how to plant corn. from plowing the ground in a straight line with the carabao pulling the plow, to the actual planting of the corn seeds on the ground. that was fun, i never got the chance to do that again when i went to college.

okay, so enough of that lets go to the story that i really wanted to share today.

who of you eats or have eaten roasted corn? some of you may even fix them with butter right? mmmm..

anyhoo, come harvest time our farm helpers would go to our house with sack-full of corn. and mom would roast a couple of them for meryenda. and we'd eat them fresh off the grill, fix it with butter, and coupled with ice-cold coke. i remember i could eat like 3 cobs of corn.

so after a couple of minutes, i would get the feeling of like a tingling sensation inside my stomach and in the end would lead me to the bathroom.

for those of you who are eating right now and have a very sensitive gag-reflex. you can stop reading at this point.

i swear to the life of the moths in our backyard, i didn't eat the cob. but when i looked at my poop, it looked exactly like the roasted corn before i ate it. corn seeds still attached to its cob.

how cool is that? its like magic or the one's shown in ripleys.